Export Speed - Filters and Interpolation

26 seconds! - Yowzaaah!

This morning I saw that I now have 21.01, so I did the speed tests, as promised.

(“edit” runs are the H264 NVENC codec with GPU enabled, “libx” are libx254 codec with no GPU)

With the Size, Posoition, Rotate filter in the way, there is little or no difference.

When the SPR is taken out of the way, Shotcut 21.01 screams, cutting 35% off of the Export time.

@shotcut, we can say… It works!

To me the most interesting - and puzzling - thing in these tests is that with the SPR in place, little is changed, but without the SPR filter, Bicubic is now almost as fast as Bilinear.

Is this because the Bicubic/Bilinear choice is across-the-board, being passed as a rule to all the filters, including SPR where it appears no improvements have been made this time around?

Is there an emoji for smirk?

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Dude, did you even read #892? :wink:

Know what they have in common? Linux. So clearly, Linux bad and Windows good. :rofl:

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:rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy:

…and not only that, my 2000 Ford F-350 Extended Chassis Crew Cab 4WD 7-Liter V-10 is better than any Chevy you might…

I find nothing wrong with this statement. Common ground is nice.

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