Export on top of previously exported file doesn't update timestamp

What is your operating system?
Windows 10 Home

What is your Shotcut version (see Help > About Shotcut)? Is it 32-bit?
Version 21.02.27 64bit

Can you repeat the problem? If so, what are the steps?
Yes, this is reproducible (but not that problematic for me).

Create a Shotcut project, edit and export.

After successful export, re-edit the same project, make some changes and export again to the same file. I’m warned that that file already exists and am asked if I want to replace it. Click Yes.

Everything succeeds, but the exported video file still has the same timestamp from when it was exported the first time.

Unable to reproduce. As you can image, I frequently need to test things and export to a test.mp4 into a explorer window sorted by modified. Before


After first export


After second export


Thanks for your quick reply. I can’t say I’m surprised that you’re not able to reproduce it - I would expect the OS to handle the timestamp update when it closes the file and that is pretty much out of the application’s control.

Based on your screen shots, I did some further exploration to try to narrow down my problem.

Unlike you, I’m writing my MP4 file to an SSD (it’s faster), not to a RAID drive. So, I tried writing it to RAID and, as expected, the timestamp was updated - I see the same thing you do. You should be able to see this with the screenshots of Windows Explorer shown below:
Raid directory before first export:

Raid directory after first export:

Raid directory after second export to same file:

However, when I write to an SSD, the timestamp is not updated. This is also shown in the same set of screenshots below:

SSD directory before first export:

SSD directory after first export:

SSD directory after second export to same file:

One thing I noticed is that when writing to the SSD, by monitoring the file size in Windows Explorer, the OS appears to hold the whole file in memory until it closes the file. The file size jumps from 0 bytes to 4g in one step. This is not the case when writing to RAID, the file size increases incrementally throughout the whole process of exporting. (FWIW, this still point to an OS problem but…)

Finally - and this certainly points away from Shotcut - this might be some sort of a problem with Windows Explorer. I have cygwin installed on this computer and an ‘ls -l’ in the same directory gives the correct timestamp of the file - see below:

I don’t know how much farther to take this, as I said in my original report, this isn’t that problematic for me but I do appreciate the time you’ve taken to attempt to reproduce.

And congratulations on shotcut - it is an excellent tool.

Oh boy - those screenshots in this thread are a bit small. Sorry about that. If you need them I can repost. But I suspect you get the gist.

Thanks again.

What you call RAID on your screenshots is actually a network mapped drive. In any case, your first set of screenshots on drive X is showing the Date modified column whereas the ones from the C drive are showing Date, which is the date created. When you overwrite an existing file, common file handling on Windows is that it only updates the modified date… at least based on testing Save As in Notepad. Also, because we did not write special code to retain the created date. I do not want to add code to change this behavior because someone else will report it as a bug.

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