Export multiples markers

How to export multiple markers all in one go? I’ve about 23 markers and a dream, how to proceed? Do I go one by one?

Hi @helayas

Shotcut can’t export from multiple markers.

The only way I can see that might be faster than exporting each marker manually is to use Export each Playlist items.

But this will only work if there’s only one clip in the Timeline.
For example: You have an entire movie in the timeline and you want to export extracts from that movie.


  • Move the playhead to the start of your first marker.
  • Split.
  • Move the playhead to the end of the first marker.
  • Split.
  • Select the clip.
  • Copy.
  • Add to the Playlist.
  • Repeat for each marker

When you’re done adding all your 23 clips to the Playlist:

  • Go to the Export panel.
  • In the From drop-down menu, choose Each Playlist Item.
  • Click the Export button.

Using keyboard shortcuts will help make things faster. “S” key to split, “Ctrl+C” to copy, “Shift+A” to add the copied clip to the Playlist.

Adding all your 23 clips to the Playlist shouldn’t take more than 5 minutes.

I think that using Export > From > Marker would take longer because for each clip a window opens and you need to write a name for the file.
Export each Playlist items will automatically assign a name to each exported files.