Experiments with the Time Remap filter

You found a tricky bug and you found a good workaround to fix it. The “Set Speed” buttons can circumvent the maximum and minimum value constraints. I will make a note of this, but I do not know if I will make it a priority to fix for the next build.

That may be something to consider. The current UI design is a direct response to many historical requests for “Where is the speed filter?”. So I expect many people expect time related features to be among the rest of the filters in the UI.

I have not used a lot of other video editors. But I have watched tutorials of time remap features in other editors. I have observed the following things about time remap features in other editors:

  1. The workflow is often iterative - going back and making changes as the output unfolds
  2. They almost always start by extending the clip way longer than they need and then they end by reducing the clip length back to where they want it to finally end
  3. They almost always work left to right - which stands to reason because that is how our minds perceive the timeline

So I am not so sure if the Shotcut implementation is very different from other implementations.

This makes me curious to understand:

  • Are the difficulties with time remapping caused because Shotcut has implemented it so differently than other tools?
  • Are the difficulties with time remapping because these users are generally unfamiliar with time remapping and they happen to be learning for the first time in Shotcut

I know that the Shotcut implementation doesn’t have all the bells and whistles of other editors (yet). But I was kind of expecting someone with some experience to make a tutorial video showing a productive workflow. Maybe someone will get around to that.

Maybe we can map some of those concepts into the Documentation. It looks like Dan has been making some improvements to it already:

I understand that people are volunteers, and busy, and at different places in their learning journey. So I am happy to accept comments/suggestions any time. Just because the feature has been released does not mean we can not improve upon it. But we are somewhat limited by the capacity of the volunteer developers :slight_smile: