Expand from the left

I work mostly with stills. I wish I could drag the LEFT side of an image clip to the left to make it longer. It’s just clumsy to have to move the whole clip left and then lengthen it to the right, and that’s a mess if there is a transition involved.

Hi @Tyrannocaster

I read your post many times, but I don’t really understand what you want to do.

Do you mean you want to grab the left side of an image and stretch it to the left?

No, I mean lengthen its duration by dragging its left edge to the left in the timeline while leaving the right side where it is. Obviously, if there’s already something ahead of the item in question this isn’t useful, but I often insert images in a non-linear fashion, creating anchor points which I fill in between later. In other words, it would make it possible to do on the left what you can already do on the right side.

Sorry I wasn’t very clear there.

Although in general, I really like Shotcut, I also really do not like the way it handles transitions because you can’t extend an image by dragging it to the left and if you are using keyframes it becomes a real mess. I don’t expect this to change because plainly this way of working was a conscious choice, but that’s my honest reaction.

I have experienced the same problem.
Occasionally, only 1 side (start/end) can be extended for the duration of images or even entire filter sets on the timeline.
I have seen this behaviour for several months. I always use the latest SC versions (portable).

I can usually fix it by enlarging the timeline a lot.

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Ah! I see now.
Yes it’s true that we can’t extend an image clip from the left side.

For now, I see only one workaround for that. But it’s not a very practical one.

  • Before you add an image at its desired position in the timeline, add it to an empty track, then extend it about, let’s say, 20 second to the right.
  • Make a cut at about 5 seconds from the end and remove the left part.

You will now be able to extend that clip from its left side for as much duration as the part you’ve cut.

I will try this when I’m back at the desktop computer.

Ah, I see what you are doing. I will try this; thanks!

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You’re welcome.
And I support your suggestion. It would be nice to be able to expand an image clip from both sides.

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I have thought about it before, but it gets quite complicated because the engine does not support negative times. And trying to automate at the UI something like this workaround would have to deal with the exceptions that it cannot apply to image sequences and animated images GIF and WebP.

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