Error while creating subtitles: text not added to cursor position

I am creating subtitles for a video, using the subtitle creation tool. Everything works fine for a while, then when I want to add a new subtitle, it doesn’t add the subtitle to the cursor position, but to the beginning of the subtitle list. With negative timecodes!

I have tried Flatpak and AppImages 24.11.17 versions, the result is the same.
Operating system: Linux Mint 22.1

What could be the problem?

That is very strange!

As an experiment, you could try to close, and then re-open Shotcut and see if it keeps happening.

The next time it happens, it would be helpful if you could save the application log and upload it here for me to inspect. There might be a clue in the log.

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This is a bug when the frame rate not being an integer (numeric overflows result) that was already fixed for the new version 25.01 coming later today.

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