Equalizer: Parametric - parameters description


Parameters Frequency and Gain seems to be quite obvious. However I’m wondering how to exactly understand Slope/Bandwidth. First why does two different terms are used? Is that sth different or the same but just different wording? Secondly how to understand that. Is that some kind of width parameter? And how to calculate octaves? Ex. If I set frequency to 8000 Hz. Is octave 4000Hz thus when setting Bandwitch to 1 octave I have impact from 6000Hz to 10000Hz? Or should it be calculated in a different way? And If I set frequency to 2000Hz, is octave 1000Hz and then when setting Bandwitch to 1 octave I have impact from 1500Hz to 2500Hz? And when setting Bandwitch to 0.5 octave I have impact from 1750Hz to 2250Hz?

As nice to have, some graphical editor would be welcome but that’s probably a lot of work. But perhaps only some kind of preview would be possible…? :slight_smile:

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