Easier way to complete this style of transition?

Good morning all.
I wanted to create a diagonal opening transition with a bar and this was the best I could produce https://streamable.com/o5fkkz

However, I have no doubt completed this in a laborious manner and would like to know if it can be done more easily. (ignore the stock footage and red bars, they are that colour to make it more apparent)

It is completed over 5 tracks, SPR filters to move the bars and upper/lower png to its relevant corner and an initial fade in of the bar.

Many thanks.

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Maybe something like that?
Hover over the transition, properties tab and choose the transition from the menu (in this case SO-NE diagonal door), invert it to appear from the center, and adjust the softness to make the line less blurred.


Thanks @ejmillan. I looked at that and although the transition is right it lacks the solid line. Is there anyway to add the line border to it as well?

I came up with this.
To save time I didn’t put solid lines but they can easily be added


V3: Copy of upper clip – Mask: Simple Shape filter + SP&R filter (with keyframes)
V2: Upper clip – Mask: Simple Shape filter + SP&R filter (with keyframes)
V1: Lower clip – No filter

Settings of the mask filter on V3:

Settings of the mask filter on V2
(identical as V3 but Substract instead of Overwrite):

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Really appreciated guys thanks @MusicalBox @ejmillan
I knew there would be an easier way :pray:

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@Andy_M Your idea of making PNGs for the diagonal solid lines is probably the best option.
When created in Shotcut, they look like saw blades.

Agreed at 200% magnification they do look a lot smoother

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Another option I can think of (although I don’t know if it’s more work), is to have a red line (in PNG or even SVG format).
Make the transition as I show in my video and then apply the line twice (in V2 and V3 tracks) handling them with SPR (to rotate them and place them on top of the transition border). With keyframes, you can make the movement of the lines match the movement of the transition.
You wouldn’t even need to angle crop the frame.
I’m cooking family meals so I can’t give a demonstration right now.

Does that include some pimientos de padron? :grinning:

Depends on the desired effect @ejmillan . The diagonal door transition doesn’t make the two halves of the clip actually move up and down.

As you can see I had the PNG line duplicated and moved in opposite directions using SPR to match the clip transition.

No, the meal not includes “pimientos de padrón”. But this includes leek (the green part), turmeric, salt, carrot, red pepper and chicken meatballs. The garnish is boiled pasta.

But you got it right. I am from Galicia and I know very well “Pimientos de Padrón”, although many years ago I moved to live in Valencia (place of the paella and the Fallas). :grin:


That looks fabulous but as a Brit, we are often seen as unadventurous with our food choices :laughing:

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It is true. I missed that.

Then drawing the red line above the sunset upper and sunset bottom clips (in a photo editor) would be another option.

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Si vous avez conservé une ancienne version de Shotcut qui accepte webVfx, je peux vous fournir un filtre qui permet d’ajouter très facilement différentes formes géométriques simples à vos vidéos.

If you still have an older version of Shotcut that supports webVfx, I can provide you with a filter that makes it very easy to add different simple geometric shapes to your videos.


This solution was my first reaction

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Il est possible d’obtenir cette transition sans avoir recours à un logiciel extérieur.
V1 - première image, pas de filtre
V2 - Clip de la couleur de la ligne, 1 seul filtre masque simple avec 4 images clés
V3 - seconde image, 1 seul filtre masque simple avec 4 images clés

It is possible to achieve this transition without using external software.
V1 - first image, no filter
V2 - Clip of the line color, 1 single mask filter with 4 keyframes
V3 - second image, 1 single mask filter with 4 keyframes

Result image by image

Voici le fichier .mlt
Shotcut va vous dire qu’il manque des fichiers, ce sont les images, remplacez les par 2 images en 16:9

Here is the .mlt file
Shotcut will tell you that some files are missing, these are the images, replace them with 2 images in 16:9

Line red.mlt (7.8 KB)



:joy: :rofl: :joy:

…it’s the bright red…

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Appreciate the file. It’ll be interesting to see the structure. All part of the learning process.