Drift Moon Shell - an entire album side

Here’s a new video - it’s an entire album side, just over fifteen minutes. Honestly, I doubt many people will want to sit through the whole thing, given the attention spans that social media have cultivated, but I have long wanted to do something like the albums that I listened to from the 60s, and this is it - only the music is not really 60s, just the attitude. There are three songs, and the first has visuals that were heavily influenced by the lightshows that were common then (and which most people are too young to remember now). The first song is also pretty explicitly psychedelic in nature while the other two are not so much.

Here you go. Put on your rose tinted glasses and caftans and relax to the groovy show. :slight_smile:


That was fun. Very interesting as I liked the images and their interaction. Flowed very well!

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Thanks. It was a lot of work, but I did learn quite a bit about using Shotcut while doing it.

Edit: crap, once again the quote feature didn’t work.