Downloaded font doesn't look right

I’ve downloaded and installed a font from Google fonts. I’m trying to use the filter Text:Simple and as the title says, the font looks bad from some reason I don’t know and hope someone will be able to suggest what to try.

Screen Shot 2023-10-25 at 17.03.42

Thank you

font issue, font problem, downloaded font, google fonts, installed font

which is this font name … I would like to test in my machine… thanks

Hi @randomeditor

This happens to a couple of fonts I have on my computer, like Bahnschrift for example.

Just don’t use an Outline on these fonts.


Thank you so much for taking the time to answer and show me your solution.

This seems to work for me only when I create a new text with a transparent background. The thickness adjustment indeed affects the font but setting it to 0 doesn’t help if the text has a background color.

For now, at least I know what should be the settings for a downloaded font. If you have any idea what it has to do with a background color, or how can I keep the black background for the text and having it look normal, please share with me

It’s Montserrat downloaded from here:

specifically I use the extra bold one.

Thanks for you help

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