Don't know how to completely close a project

I use this software to make smaller clips out of longer videos, then when I’m done with a source video I want to delete it to keep the folder easy to navigate and make it easier to find the videos I still need to edit, but when I try to I get the “The action can’t be completed because the file is open in Shotcut video editor” error, even though I can’t see it anywhere in the software anymore. I have no idea how to remove it from the program so that I can delete or modify the file. “Close” doesn’t do the job.

There’s a bug (or I guess side effect of some feature) so Shotcut sometimes doesn’t release the file when closing the project. The workaround I use is to completely exit the Shotcut app which immediately lets me delete everything.

What I found annoying was the constant rebooting of the app as per my workflow i need to do it several times in a short time. But recently I discovered that once I’m done and have exported the final clip, if I “Undo” until I have no more undos left, THEN click “Close”, then it does actually close the project properly and I can delete the source files. It’s a bit more efficient than constantly closing and reopening so maybe you’ll find it useful as well.

That is a good clue. Thanks for mentioning that.

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