Detachable preview window

It seems the video preview window is the only one that does not detach.

Yet, it is the only one that i want to detach.

i really prefer to detach it and move it to a second monitor, than the inverse of detaching all the others to move to my first monitor.


Under Settings…
Screen 0 or Screen 1 is dependent upon which monitor Shotcut is active on.
For me, Shotcut is active on Screen 0, as you can see it’s a bit greyed out.
To go back, select None.

This will fill your entire 2nd monitor as the preview.


thank YOU!!!

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How to do this in Shotcut 23.11.29? The solution shown is no longer available.

This feature had to be removed for technical reasons.


  • Detach every other panel and move them to a different monitor.
  • Get a hardware DeckLink card for full-screen preview on a separate HDMI or SDI monitor.