Destroy/anihilate effect in shotcut


Some time ago I saw in some videos quite interesting effect. Unfortunately currently I’m not able to find them. It was something like that that the image was divided into horizontal lines (they were visible) and now suddenly lines started moving left and right. Some were moving in one direction, some in other. Next they were returning to the starting position and next moving and finally the object visible in the image disappeared.

Sth similar but not exactly the same is visible in the few first seconds of this video (in intro): 10 MIN FULL BODY HOME WORKOUT (No Equipment!) - YouTube

Any idea how to make sth similar? I would like to use it to destroy/annihilate the object visible in the screen. Ex. I have first this object visible, next I have this effect and finally I have the image without this object (only background stays)…

Have you seen perhaps any tutorial? All help is welcome! :slight_smile:

Look like a glitch effect overlay video, shown on top of a cut
part of the glitch overlay video is transparent, so you can se the track below

Here is some glitch overlay examples

Shotcut has a glitch effect filter, that can be used to create effects directly on a clip, but some of the examples are a little more complex.

here is a tuturial to make a glitch transistion in shotcut

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Thank you for your suggestion and help. Yes that’s sth similar to what I need even if not exactly.

In particular for Glitch filter it would be nice to have the possibility to set Block heigh parameter even lower than the current lowest value.

Does anyone has any other suggestion how to make “anihilate” effect?

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