Debian 12 Bookworm slight text problem

After upgrading from Debian Bullseye to Debian Bookworm 12, both the filters> Simple Text & Rich text filters are just a little wonky .

Best way to describe is the tiny borders around simple text you just see very very little ‘artifacts’, & the rich text after adding to a photo on timeline for example is almost not seen,just corners of the rich text box.
Best way is I’ll attach one screen shot of rich text box

This is on

a real install. I also installed Shotcut on a VM I am running as of last week,and it exhibits the exact same scenario.

EDIT: Forgot to mention. The Shocut 23.x AppImage does get around this problem that I dicussed above. Just thought the dev(s) may like seeing the condition of the apt releases for Linux.
Thanks. Have used Shotcut for numerous years now.

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