Create animation

I’m looking for an “easy” way or some tips to create an animation of a png picture moving on the screen as circles and spiral patterns.
Is it possible for example to define a path in order to make it the more fluid and regular?

I tried to make it in “live recording” with the mouse but results are… hem, too “artistic”… :grin:, no fluidity, to much syncope, hard to make regular circles…
And adding keyframes one by one takes very very long time for results not that good.

Thank you

The included Glaxnimate can animate things, including an image, along a path: Open Other > Animation. Sorry but I do not have steps or a tutorial. Exploring can be fun.

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Works like this:

  1. Open Other > Animation

  2. Create the animation file and Glaxnimate opens

  3. File > Add Image

  4. Draw a shape using a tool such as Ellipse or Bezier

  5. In Timeline, expand the transform under the image object

  6. Right click the position parameter and choose Follow Path

  7. A Follow Path dialog opens and click Choose

  8. A Select Shape dialog opens and now pick the shape you drew. It is important to choose the shape and not any of its layer or group parents. If you turn on the Tool Options view, you can see what I mean when you pick a drawing tool (note the icons):

  9. Click OK, change other parameters as needed in Follow Path dialog, and click OK

  10. Now you can delete or hide the shape you drew as the keyframes were generated. In other words, changing the shape you drew will not update the position keyframes on the image.

How to use this to animate a video along a path as Glaxnimate does not support importing video? Use the above technique to animate white rectangle instead of an image along a path. Then, use Shotcut’s Motion Tracking filter to follow the rectangle.


Thank you very much for this perfect answer :slightly_smiling_face: :+1: and for taking time to explain it that completely.
This tool seems to be exactly what I was looking for. Great !
I’ll try all this soon.
Thanks again, cheers

Just to say that I’ve tried it, following step by step what you explained, and it works perfect !
Thank you again for your efficient and quick help

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