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Looks like the Declick Audio filter is bugged and causing crashes on whichever audio file I try. It was working in the previous version 24.04 as I had just upgraded. I tried it on Ogg and Mp3 files and it crashes each time as soon as I move my timeline to it. It even crashes on an empty file when just opening, adding the audio file to the timeline, then adding the Declick Audio filter to it.
Hello @brian,
Unfortunately, this error still exists in Kdenlive: MLT: “[filter avfilter. … filter0] Cannot set sink channel counts”
How did you fix this with Shotcut?
Do you have any ideas on how to solve the MLT 7.28 problem with Kdenlive?
Interestingly, the error only occurs in the repositoris versions (for Manjaro and Fedora) - the AppImages and flatpaks are without this error.
I guess I would start by assuming that those distributions are not using the latest version of the MLT framework. Maybe the AppImage and Flatpack bundle a compatible version of MLT. You should talk to those package maintainers.
Hello @brian I just heard from the developer that:
The problem was fixed in MLT, but shortly after the 7.28.0 release:
So you either have to wait for the next MLT release, or ask for your distro maintainer if it is possible to backport the fix or else use one of our binary releases (AppImage / Flatpak).
I am currently using the AppImage, because I have learned how to integrate the necessary audio plugins. It works fine, I just wanted to contribute in some way to solving the problem of the repository.
Hello @shotcut
Is the AVFilter bug currently the only limitation of the current MLT? (I haven’t noticed anything else.) Do you know how it is that the AppImage works flawlessly with Kdenlive?
MLT 7.28.0 is used in the reporitories and and has the bug, and in the AppImage, which has no bug.