Correct video: stains on the wall!

Hi friends! I’m a newbie using shotcut and video editing in general. My problem is the following: i need to do a simple project for my girlfriend’s school (she’s an educator). The video will consists of interviews of the students cut together.

My problem is this: the wall beyond the boys talking is yellow, and has several green stains. The principal asked us if it is possible to alter the video and remove the stains, photoshop style. Sincerely i have no idea if it’s possible or not. It may sound silly as a question, but can i do this with shotcut?

Thank you very much

Can you show us a still from the video so we can get an idea of where the stains are and how bad they appear?

Hi Steve! Thank you for the reply! Here you go!

OK, well that’s paint peeling off the yellow wall to reveal the old green. Hardy ‘stains’ :smiley:

Rather artistic I’d say, the spot by the chap’s left shoulder resembles a fat man running…

Seriously though, there’s nothing you can do about this with Shotcut.
If you can’t re shoot to choose a better backdrop then perhaps the Principal will re-adjust thier expectations and concentrate on the content of the video interviews, you know - the important stuff :slight_smile: