Adding two more suggestions that I forgot to mention:
3) This is in regards to the bug fix that was made in the last released version to what I reported on in the thread for the 20.04 beta version:
7 ) Start 3 video tracks. Have some clips on tracks V1 and V2. Lock V1. Do a select all. Use any clip on V2 as the lead to move the clips to V3. The V1 tracks will move to V2 above even though it’s supposed to be locked.
The fix as it goes now is that when you choose Select All with a locked track then you can’t do multi select. This fix creates an issue. What if you want to move all the tracks in your timeline around except for the clips in a certain track which is the one you want to lock? The only workaround is to manually multi-select those clips then move them.
It would be better if the fix is that when you do Select All with a locked track that it simply does not include the locked track as part of the Select All. That way in the aforementioned case you can move those tracks around and keep out the unwanted clips in the locked track very quickly.
4) Is it possible to add the newly added “Timeline” counter in Properties to transparent/color clips and transition clips?