Copy segment to timeline without leaving player

Perhaps I’m doing this wrong. Running shotcut on windows10.
I’ve got a video in the source that I’m trying to create a trailer from. It’s easiest to identify the parts of the video I’d like in the trailer while in the Player mode. From there it’s possible to switch between the source video and the project through tabs at the bottom of the screen but I have to switch from Player to Editing mode to drag the selection to the timeline. Is there a way to move a highlighted section in the source to the timeline without leaving the Player interface?

The key-combo Ctrl-V will copy the selection to the timeline, but it opens the timeline which then needs to be closed. This is slightly more efficient than switch modes, dragging and switching back, but not much. If there was a way to copy the segment without switching to, or opening the timeline that’d be great.

Thanks for the help,

Hi @rpetrie

Send those segments to the Playlist instead of the Timeline. The Player will stay on the Source panel.
After you’ve send all the parts you want in the Playlist, you can then transfer them to the Timeline.

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Thanks for the response, I’ll give it a try - sounds like a solution.


Worked like a charm. I had to add the playlist to the workplace, which reduced the video size slightly, but after adjusting the size of the playlist it was hardly noticeable. When I returned to the edit function, the playlist returned to its normal size. This will speed up this project considerably. Thanks again,

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Glad it worked.

Surely you already have panels (Filters, Properties, etc…) enabled in your Shotcut interface. If the Playlist panel appears in an other area when you enable it, you can move it with the other panels.

Just grab the top-right corner of the panel and drag it to its new location.