Confirm Copy from Timeline

I ended up rewriting a major section of one of my lectures to include how to copy a clip that was modified on the timeline to another location on the track. Would you confirm that what follows is how it’s done?

Copying a clip that was modified on the Timeline from one position on the Timeline to another position on the timeline requires an intermediate step, even if the original image is in the Source window.

  • With the project tab active, position the playhead over the clip to copy.
  • Use a keyboard shortcut or Right click the mouse to choose copy.
  • Toggle on the Source tab. There is no need to paste. That happens automatically.
  • Append, insert or drag the clip from the Source window to the target location on the Timeline Track .

I just click on the clip that was modified.
Hit CTRL-C to copy the clip.
Position the play-head.
Hit CTRL-V to paste a copy of the clip to the timeline.

@Elusien I figured I was doing it the hard way. Thanks

There are usually several different ways of achieving the same result. Usually there is no “correct” way, but some are easier to do than others. Most of us learn by trial and error or by example.

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