Compiling Shotcut in Windows 11

I need to compile and debug shotcut in windows, but the provided documentation does not help much.
can any body help with the latest dev instructions that has been using the latest tools for developing/debugging in windows.

Our SDK is the recommended approach

A different way is to get compiler, CMake, Qt, mlt, and fftw dependencies from the msys2 project, MINGW64 environment. Then, follow the build instructions on our GitHub README page. You must do the install step in order for the executable to find its runtime dependencies (QML).

Beyond that you should work through getting your first custom build to work by yourself. Otherwise, you are probably not skilled enough to work on the code.

thanks for the update… and I am trying hard to achieve that “skill” level… :wink:

I am facing issue with MLT++ and also tried replacing with the latest sources from mlt-github, but, still getting the following error:

[cmake] Running D:\Qt\Tools\CMake_64\bin\cmake.exe -S C:/Projects/Shotcut/src/shotcut -B C:/Projects/Shotcut/src/shotcut/build/Desktop_Qt_6_7_1_MingGW_64_bit-Release in C:\Projects\Shotcut\src\shotcut\build\Desktop_Qt_6_7_1_MingGW_64_bit-Release.
[cmake] – Could NOT find WrapVulkanHeaders (missing: Vulkan_INCLUDE_DIR)
[cmake] – Could NOT find WrapVulkanHeaders (missing: Vulkan_INCLUDE_DIR)
[cmake] – Checking for module ‘mlt+±7>=7.22.0’
[cmake] – Package ‘mlt+±7’, required by ‘virtual:world’, not found
[cmake] CMake Error at D:/Qt/Tools/CMake_64/share/cmake-3.29/Modules/FindPkgConfig.cmake:634 (message):
[cmake] The following required packages were not found:
[cmake] - mlt+±7>=7.22.0
[cmake] Call Stack (most recent call first):
[cmake] D:/Qt/Tools/CMake_64/share/cmake-3.29/Modules/FindPkgConfig.cmake:862 (_pkg_check_modules_internal)
[cmake] CMakeLists.txt:47 (pkg_check_modules)
[cmake] – Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
[cmake] The command “D:\Qt\Tools\CMake_64\bin\cmake.exe -S C:/Projects/Shotcut/src/shotcut -B C:/Projects/Shotcut/src/shotcut/build/Desktop_Qt_6_7_1_MingGW_64_bit-Release” terminated with exit code 1.
[cmake] Elapsed time: 00:00.

how can I get thru this?

the file(s), that I downloaded and configured from the “shotcut - how to use windows sdk” site is as follows:

  1. qt-6.7.1-x64-mingw.txz
  2. shotcut-win64-sdk-240829.txz

it was assumed that the shotcut would have included the new MLT++ version.

I cannot proceed for Step #3 from this site:

because of the error(s) that I posted in my previous comment, regarding MLt++ version.

any help in this case will be useful.

Step 3 does not say it must succeed before you proceed. The tool automatically starts configure even though it is not ready because the things in Step 4 are needed. The last thing in step 4 (Run CMake) re-runs the configure.
Why do you need to compile and debug Shotcut in Windows?

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I need to know the workings of MLT framework, and it seems shotcut is the only way to get to it.
My primary work as developer is only on Windows technologies (.NET etc)… hence, trying to compile shotcut in windows platform.
Well, I’m comfortable with linux also, but, not much hands on in it.

the only issue I was facing was with the version of “mlt++”, which, I thought that it might have been present in " Shotcut SDK (930 MB current version 24.08.29)" link given in the site.
I have “Qt 6.7.2 MinGW 64 bit” kit installed, as opposed to the requirement of “Qt 6.7.1” as mentioned in site.