Color Picker Malfunction

There is no easy workaround because there is inconsistency in the color dialogs on Linux depending on your desktop and build, etc. I have not reproduced the problem you describe, but I vaguely recall a reported problem on Wayland.

It’s weird the color picker next to pick neutral color does not work. But if I click the color swatch and then click the custom color. And then the color picker there it gets a color sample and the white balance seems to work.

I found the wayland reference

So what is wayland? And can I choose something via a configuration file or similar?

ahh, awesome, my workflow involved a screenshot and gimp and color picker there… this certainly will help :wink:

it’s what is under gnome/KDE to handle the window display in most modern linux. you have the option to install its predecessor (xwindows/xorg) and choose which one to use when you login.

the steps to do that depends on your distribution.

however, I have not tried on xwindows, my assumption that it’s due to wayland is a guess and the problem might be the same even if you switch.

So what is this:

So is it possible to modify shotcut to use a specific color picker?

Is the process that the color picker creates a hex color code and the color swath then balance the hex color to white balance?

Here is the code for our color eyedropper. As you can see it is simple Qt code:

You can try to make a simple Qt app that works on your system to figure out a different approach to suggest.

I’m having exactly the same problem in Windows 11, Shotcut ver. 23.05.14. No matter where in the pic I click the picker, it returns black. Same result if I select a square of color. Just doesn’t work.

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I’m having the same issue on Windows 10. No matter if I do, one click with the dropper or drag and make a bigger selection, the screen continues to turn black.

Definitely not working like how it did previously.

Weird that it works fine for me. I’m also on Windows 10

Are you using some sort of GPU settings?

GPU Effects is disabled.
Hardware encoder is ON, but that shouldn’t affect the filters I suppose.

Me neither. I think we have the same settings. We have the exact same version with the same OS, so I have no idea why my Shotcut can’t do a critical function that I use constantly in my video edits.

I figured it out and it’s the WEIRDEST thing. I’m hoping @shotcut can explain it. I have a dual monitor set up. When I move the Shotcut window on the primary monitor, the white balance filter works. Upon dragging the window into my second monitor, it does the black screen error.

Is that a driver thing? That just doesn’t make sense to me, but it’s clear to me that it won’t work on that second monitor.


Are you using the portable version of 23.05.14 or did you install it?
I have the portable.

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Glad you found a workaround :slight_smile:

Same here - dual monitors. Win11 22H2

But why would it work on one screen and not another?


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