Chroma key video is interveing with backround

Hello I need a soultion to this problem. As you can see I put a backround to this video right here but when I put the red backround, it apears like a random source of light is beaming me. Please I need a solution.

Captura de pantalla 2024-08-20 143211

Try adding one the Key Spill video filters.
Here is more information about the concept

Are any track blend modes turned on, or any track-level color grading filters that boost red in the shadows? Your background is stunningly clean. Perhaps the chroma key filter is not selective enough to green, or there is some other filter or blend mode coming into play.

My biggest suspicion is that the white shirt stays relatively white, but the black shirt logo turns red. That looks like selective color grading or a LUT from somewhere else affecting the shadows.

Hi @Andres_Varela. Is it possible that you increased the Distance parameter too much in the Chroma Key: Simple filter?


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