Hello !
I am using lte last version of Shotcut. But I get some trouble when using the “color mask” filter (both the simple or the advanced filter) : it does’nt work at all… I made test on several mp4, and it is always the same.The other color filters seem to work properly.
Thank for your reply.
I made a mistake while translating (I have the french version) : I was talking about “Chroma key” (simple or advanced).
I try to erase a green background in a mp4 clip. It does’nt work at all…
Can you show a screenshot of your timeline?
Even export a frame of the video you want to Chroma Key and post it here.
The video has to be on V2 (or top most visible track), then something on V1 (or lower than what you want to have Chroma Keyed) for Chroma Key to work, as I’ve shown in my post above.
Hello Hudson555x,
To prepare the screenshots you asked for, I opened the file and applied the “chromakey advanced” filter again. And, for some reason that I don’t know, it worked! … So this subject can be closed. Thank you all.