Chroma Key doesn't work?

I already looked like an hour for a way to finally get it to work but it just doesn’t want to remove the green

I also tried using advanced chromakey but that didn’t do anything either.
I would really appreciate if someone could point out if and what I’m doing wrong.
Version 22.04.25

J’ai eu le même problème avec chroma key simple mais cela a fonctionné avec chromakey avancée. je ne puis en dire plus. Version 22.04.25

Make sure you haven’t accidentally adjusted the simple keyframe.
Made with Shotcut version 22.04.25

Thanks for the answer, the Keyframe was a bit off but adjusting it sadly didn’t change anything.
Any other ideas on what the problem could be?

What is the Blend mode of track V2? [select the track then click on “Properties”] If it is set to “none” then change it to “over”.

What is the Blend mode of track V2? [select the track then click on “Properties”] If it is set to “none” then change it to “over”.

V2 seemed to be in some way bugged out because, it only showed a blank page when I clicked on properties.
I deleted it and created a new one and now it works as it should,Thanks

Glad you got it working. Well done.

Hi @_Nico, I arrive a little late to the party, but in case you’re interested, I recreated your MLG Hitmarker sound effect file and put it on a transparent clip. No need to use a chroma key filter. Just paste it above any other clip.

You can download it here:

The file in action:

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