Changing color range with multiple video tracks glitches out playlist

I recently went from version 19.10.20 to 20.02.17. Everything is smoother. I only noticed one bug.
I usually work with multiple files: different resolution, framerate, color range.
When I have 3 video tracks and I change the color range property of an item on the second track, the program will glitch out and the first clip in the playlist will be replaced with the item I changed the color range.
If I have 4 video tracks and I change the color range property of an item on the second track, the program will glitch out and the second clip in the playlist will be replaced with the item I changed the color range.

This has never happened to me in the old (19.10.20 or older) versions.

You are reporting about an old version - the latest is 20.09.27 - and I do not reproduce it.

excuse me, my version is indeed 20.09.27.

Unfortunately, I can reproduce it anytime…

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I did find something in your log that correlates to something suspicious in the code. I hope that helps me reproduce and fix it. (Note to self: see call to Playlist::UpdateCommand in PlaylistDock::onProducerChanged)

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