Can't save XML as MLT

What is your operating system?
Win 10 22H2

What is your Shotcut version (see Help > About Shotcut)?

Can you repeat the problem? If so, what are the steps?
Here is the use case. You have an encode queued. You realize you need to make changes to the encode. You do not have a saved copy of the source project.

Right click the job. Choose View XML.

When you click Save, you are offered two file types. The default is txt. The other choice is all files.

If you chose all files type and try to force the .mlt extension, SC gives the file a .mlt.txt file extension. To round-trip this back into SC, you have to go to Windows Explorer and change the file extension to .mlt (i.e. delete .txt from the file extension).

If you try to force a .mlt extension, the file ends up being .mlt.txt regardless of whether you choose text document or all files.

Bug: SC shouldn’t append .txt extension to the “all files” type.

Suggestion: add option to save the xml as MLT file type. Make it the default.

How about a suggestion instead of a bug?
The UI that opens is a text viewer used everywhere else that shows text. So it only offers save as text.

To round-trip this back into SC

That is not recommended at this time and not really the intended purpose of viewing and saving the XML. The next bug report will probably be that it is supposed to read and set all the Export options from the opened XML. Not a bad idea, but not implemented.

I made this fix for the next version since it was easy and very low risk. I agree that it is better to save as .mlt especially for the use case that one uses melt to render manually. I will try to do the other thing where it reads export settings on opening for the version after next.