Can't save GPS offset

When I include a GPS graphic filter, the offset automatically matches the start of the video to the start of the GPS file.
I, then, change the offset to (which is the correct match for the part of the trail the video is for and save the project.
When I reopen the project, the GPS offset jumps back to the the start of the GPS file and no longer matches my video.
Why are the changes not being saved, please?
I have also tried to export the project, which shows the correct offset and graphic in the correct position and the exported video also shows the wrong match.
How can I correct that, please?

There’s a bug when setting the offset to exactly 0 (some automatic stuff fails to detect this change and does some bad guessing).

Try changing it to 1 second offset until a fix is available, it shouldn’t be noticeable.

Thank you.
This sorted it

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