Cant open shotcut

Whenever i try to open shotcut it sais that i dont have the "cairoblend frei0r plugin on my computer, i have re-installed shotcut multiple times but this error keeps comming up.
can someone please help me with this problem?

Hi!, using the lastest version of shotcut? Are you using the zip version? or the application? Please keep me updated.

i installed the most recent version

and i tried the 32 and the 64 bit and they both get this error

and the zip files also get this error

Hmm try clearing the registry for shotcut and then reinstalling it again. If you are on windows 10 then press the windoes key and R key. Type regedit then look for a folder named meltytech and delete it. then reinstall shotcut.

if i type regedit it says no results

Odd, are you sure you typed as correctly as shown?

Looks similar to this post:

Maybe follow along there.

duplicate of Frei0r startup error

it still says that i have the error

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