Cant open file program freezes every time i try to open it

Hello all,

I save a video I was working on yesterday and when I try to open it today Shotcut goes “not responding” I have tried reboot the pc, I have the latest version of Shotcut. I have checked the entire system and can find no issues.

I’m running the program on an HP laptop with:
24GB Ram
Windows 10
750GB of free hard drive space

I had no issues prior to saving it.

I’m using Shotcut 18.10.08.
Windows 10.
No issues on my end opening up a previous saved projects.

I can start a new project with no issues, but as soon as I try to open my current project I get the spinning wheel and not responding…

Ok, so after letting it sit and spin for 25 + minutes the project loaded and seems be allowing me to work on it! :slight_smile: The project is only 1.72MB… should it not load that without issues?

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