Can't change duration of a slide

Shotcut Version 18.07.02

I changed the duration here with the red dot, then put it in the timeline (V1).

I changed the duration here with the red dot, the put in the timeline (V2).

In the Source tab, drag where the red dot is at.

This is a bit extreme, but 2 hours, 30 minutes, and 48 seconds long for an image.

An the final result after dragging from Source to Timeline.

And on the timeline itself. On the right side, drag left or right, it will show you the difference from where you started and the final length in the blue outlined numbers. Note: You do need to have the playhead somewhere to the left of where you’re dragging or you can use the playhead to align where you want it to stop. Usually when you place the image in the timeline, the playhead will be to the right, just move it over the center then drag to desired length.