Masks, yes - the thing I REALLY love is @elusien’s “Animating Routes on a Map” - it’s genius!!
Great! Yes, post it there! It’s a great example for users (and myself) to aspire to. Great work!
Masks, yes - the thing I REALLY love is @elusien’s “Animating Routes on a Map” - it’s genius!!
Great! Yes, post it there! It’s a great example for users (and myself) to aspire to. Great work!
It took me only three tracks for this animation. All the main work is done in glaxnimate. By the way, I noticed a strange bug, if the text in glaxnimate is not converted to lines, then it is absent during rendering, I had to convert the text layers with the “convert to path” button.
Sorry for the delay. As often when I annonce something here, something comes up and I have to put the project on ice for a while. It’s a curse…
I should be back at it in a couple of days.
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