H264 and H265 are video codec’s that compress video’s, not image compressions. For a quick overview and comparison see: https://medium.com/advanced-computer-vision/h-264-vs-h-265-a-technical-comparison-when-will-h-265-dominate-the-market-26659303171a
Apple is using H.265 to save photos now in a format called HEIF.
This is not available in Shotcut, but you can export as PNG and then use macOS Preview to export is as HEIC (same thing, different name).
Reponses above and I’ll add that H265 is “called” HEVC sometimes. (not 100% accurate, but you’ll understand)
Elusien, shotcut Leader, and Keno40,
Thanks for all your comments!
As previously mentioned, I have searched for a doc or video tutorial concerning How to Save Frames from a Video using Shotcut but to date have found neither.
Would like to help other “Real Shotcut Beginners” and at least show screen captures of where to find the necessary options.
Is anyone more experienced with Shotcut interested in helping?
If yes please tell me how to start!
Good for you. I use “Sharex” to capture the Shotcut window when trying to do tutorials. https://getsharex.com/
It isn’t difficult to use and once you have grabbed your Shotcut demo, use Shotcut itself to edit it before publishing it. I use Vimeo to host most of my videos. https://vimeo.com/
You can check out Mr. Eko’s tutorial series. He is quite methodical with his approach, in a sense that he begins at the most basic level and works his way through many functions. That might fulfil your needs.
And you have already mentioned Tux Designer who might have solutions to a particular problem. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgOdxiEmRN2F0bZ7gOHbMQ4gxIYqMAG1s
And last but not least if you want to learn advanced techniques, I would recommend Jonray’s channel. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCypMjN5Jms6mUN1OjsygVjw
I am not referring to them for your particular problem but rather for more insight into the control of Shotcut in general.
I use ScreenToGif (https://www.screentogif.com/) but Sharex seems very promising. I will compare it since it seems to have more editing options.
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