Can I bind audio track with video to retain sync when clipping?

Hello there everyone!

I make tutorial videos and it usually consists of a single video and audio track. Once recorded, I snip bits out and then pull the clips together. I’m wondering if I can bind the two together so that when I snip or move one, the other receives the same treatment.

Or, perhaps I just don’t understand the proper workflow. I’m very new to the process so I am surely missing something about working with an editor to make these videos. I have to believe that everyone else is much better at this than I am and that I’m simply missing an obvious method of performing these actions.

Any insight and help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time!

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I do this every day, it is the staple of my 130+ videos YouTube channel.
It’s not exactly simple, so I might not be able to answer “in 100 words or less” right here, however, it shouldn’t be too hard to master.

Before going farther, a question: When you say “I snip bits out and then pull the clips together”, are you only deleting material, or are you rearranging the order of snippets? …or does " …and then pull the clips together" mean combining from several original recordings?

Another question.

This gives me the impression that there are two separate recordings from each session, audio and video. Is this a correct understanding?

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