Bypass Bleach Cinema Look

Hello dear shotcut community. (7.2 MB)
I attached a small sample project file that achieve the following look (Bleach bypass - Wikipedia).

without bypass bleach:

with bypass bleach

To achieve this, the blend mode of track V2 should be “Hard Light”
Bildschirmfoto vom 2023-04-24 21-16-14

and track V2 should be desaturated.
Bildschirmfoto vom 2023-04-24 21-17-22

Greetings from Leipzig


Very nice result. Thanks for this.
It is a technique I used many times in Photoshop. But I never thought of using it in Shotcut.


Nice, effect, it is also possible to get this effect by using a LUT

It makes it a little simpler, becuase you dont need multiple tracks with the same video.

I your implementation, you can control the effect by adding an opacity filter to your top de-saturated layer, lowering the opacity will will lower the impact of the effect.


Thanks TimLau, I’ll try these LUTs. The opacity filter to control the effect is a very nice addition. Edit: I get nice results with the LUTs you mention - with more variety. This is elegant.

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