I have built Shotcut from source, and the build was successful. However, when opening the executable file, I can launch the application, but I’m unable to open any video files or perform any operations within the application. Additionally, in the terminal, I received this message after opening the executable:
$ ./shotcut.exe
[Debug] Application::~Application exiting.
Try first to analyze the Shotcut.exe with depends.exe from Microsoft!
Maybe some dlls are missing or you run into the dll hell where all libs without a C-Starndard interface have to be compiled with the same compiler!
Hi, Thanks for the response!
First i checked the necessary dll required by this exe using this command “ldd ./shotcut.exe” and i got this output.
$ ldd ./shotcut.exe
ntdll.dll => /c/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/ntdll.dll (0x7ffb028b0000)
KERNEL32.DLL => /c/WINDOWS/System32/KERNEL32.DLL (0x7ffb00ad0000)
KERNELBASE.dll => /c/WINDOWS/System32/KERNELBASE.dll (0x7ffaffbf0000)
msvcrt.dll => /c/WINDOWS/System32/msvcrt.dll (0x7ffb00f90000)
SHELL32.dll => /c/WINDOWS/System32/SHELL32.dll (0x7ffb01ef0000)
msvcp_win.dll => /c/WINDOWS/System32/msvcp_win.dll (0x7ffb002a0000)
D3DCOMPILER_47.dll => /c/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/D3DCOMPILER_47.dll (0x7ffafabb0000)
libgcc_s_seh-1.dll => /mingw64/bin/libgcc_s_seh-1.dll (0x7ffadb7c0000)
ucrtbase.dll => /c/WINDOWS/System32/ucrtbase.dll (0x7ffb004e0000)
ucrtbase.dll => /c/Windows/System32/ucrtbase.dll (0x2e09a240000)
libwinpthread-1.dll => /mingw64/bin/libwinpthread-1.dll (0x7fface180000)
RPCRT4.dll => /c/WINDOWS/System32/RPCRT4.dll (0x7ffb02750000)
USER32.dll => /c/WINDOWS/System32/USER32.dll (0x7ffb00bb0000)
win32u.dll => /c/WINDOWS/System32/win32u.dll (0x7ffb00270000)
GDI32.dll => /c/WINDOWS/System32/GDI32.dll (0x7ffb00f60000)
CRYPTSP.dll => /c/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/CRYPTSP.dll (0x7ffaff300000)
gdi32full.dll => /c/WINDOWS/System32/gdi32full.dll (0x7ffafffa0000)
libstdc+±6.dll => /mingw64/bin/libstdc+±6.dll (0x7ffab1a00000)
libmlt+±7.dll => /mingw64/bin/libmlt+±7.dll (0x7ffacba70000)
libfftw3-3.dll => /mingw64/bin/libfftw3-3.dll (0x7ffaa4900000)
libmlt-7.dll => /mingw64/bin/libmlt-7.dll (0x7ffabfdf0000)
Qt6Charts.dll => /mingw64/bin/Qt6Charts.dll (0x7ffab9b10000)
Qt6Multimedia.dll => /mingw64/bin/Qt6Multimedia.dll (0x7ffab4530000)
ole32.dll => /c/WINDOWS/System32/ole32.dll (0x7ffb01d50000)
combase.dll => /c/WINDOWS/System32/combase.dll (0x7ffb01760000)
Qt6Network.dll => /mingw64/bin/Qt6Network.dll (0x7ffab1860000)
Qt6Gui.dll => /mingw64/bin/Qt6Gui.dll (0x7ffaa11a0000)
Qt6Core.dll => /mingw64/bin/Qt6Core.dll (0x7ffaa28e0000)
advapi32.dll => /c/Windows/System32/advapi32.dll (0x2e09a240000)
ADVAPI32.dll => /c/WINDOWS/System32/ADVAPI32.dll (0x7ffb01040000)
sechost.dll => /c/WINDOWS/System32/sechost.dll (0x7ffb00800000)
WS2_32.dll => /c/WINDOWS/System32/WS2_32.dll (0x7ffb00680000)
bcrypt.dll => /c/WINDOWS/System32/bcrypt.dll (0x7ffb004b0000)
Qt6OpenGL.dll => /mingw64/bin/Qt6OpenGL.dll (0x7ffab95d0000)
Qt6Qml.dll => /mingw64/bin/Qt6Qml.dll (0x7ffaa23c0000)
Qt6QuickControls2.dll => /mingw64/bin/Qt6QuickControls2.dll (0x7ffac1320000)
Qt6QuickWidgets.dll => /mingw64/bin/Qt6QuickWidgets.dll (0x7ffabfec0000)
Qt6Quick.dll => /mingw64/bin/Qt6Quick.dll (0x7ffa9fce0000)
Qt6Sql.dll => /mingw64/bin/Qt6Sql.dll (0x7ffabfd90000)
Qt6Xml.dll => /mingw64/bin/Qt6Xml.dll (0x7ffabfc90000)
Qt6Widgets.dll => /mingw64/bin/Qt6Widgets.dll (0x7ffa9f6a0000)
libdl.dll => /mingw64/bin/libdl.dll (0x7ffabfb90000)
libiconv-2.dll => /mingw64/bin/libiconv-2.dll (0x7ffab39e0000)
Qt6OpenGLWidgets.dll => /mingw64/bin/Qt6OpenGLWidgets.dll (0x7ffabf4e0000)
WINMM.dll => /c/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/WINMM.dll (0x7ffafd580000)
d3d11.dll => /c/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/d3d11.dll (0x7ffafb810000)
libCuteLogger.dll => not found
Here i inferred that the libcuteLogger.dll is missing, so what i did was i just export the path of the dll using this command.
export PATH=“$PATH:/usr/local/lib”
Now, i got this output when i did “ldd ./shotcut.exe”
libfreetype-6.dll => /mingw64/bin/libfreetype-6.dll (0x7ffab3210000)
libzstd.dll => /mingw64/bin/libzstd.dll (0x7ffab1960000)
libCuteLogger.dll => /usr/local/lib/libCuteLogger.dll (0x7ffabe4a0000)
AUTHZ.dll => /c/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/AUTHZ.dll (0x7ffafe7d0000)
So now everything seems fine with respect to dll.
Under Windows you can copy every direct included DLL by the compiler into the folder of the *.exe file and this should work.
I could definitely help you to solve a problem without ever compiling Shotcut myself!
Maybe you have to compile FFMPEG too with the same compiler if the ffmpeg dlls are not compiler compatible.
Otherwise you have to wait until you get a response from the shotcut programming team.
Thanks for the response! I’ll give it a shot.
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