Blur: Box Transition

This is a simple blurry transition (no motion blur) using the Blur: Box effect. It’s easy and resonnably fast to create and I think it looks pretty neet.


  1. Put two clips in the Timeline on the same track. We will call them Clip A and Clip B.

  1. Go to the end of Clip A, move the playhead back ½ second and Split.

  2. Go to the beginning of Clip B, move the playhead forwards ½ second and Split.

  1. Select Split A and move the playhead to the first frame.

  2. Apply Filters → Blur: Box.

  3. Set Width and Height to 0.

  4. Activate Keyframes on the Width parameter. The first keyframe is automaticaly set to a value of 0.

  5. Move the playhead 4 frames forward and click the Add a keyframe button IN THE KEYFRAME TIMELINE to create a second keyframe, also with the value of 0.

  6. Click the Seek forwards button in the keyframes timeline to move the playhead to the end of Split A.

  7. Raise the Blur: Box Width value to 65.

  1. Select Split B and move the playhead to the first frame.

  2. Apply Filters → Blur: Box.

  3. Set Width and Height to 0.

  4. Activate Keyframes on the Width parameter.

  5. Set the value of the first keyframe to 65.

  6. Click the Seek forwards button in the keyframes timeline to move the playhead to the end of Split B.

  7. Move the playhead 4 frames backwards, click the Add a keyframe button and set the value of this keyframe to 0.

  8. Click the Seek forwards button again to move the playhead to the end and click the Add a keyframe button to create the last keyframe with a value of 0.

  1. In the Timeline, Grab Split B and slide it to the left to create a transition with Split A. Stop sliding 2 frames before the begining of Split A (i.e. If your splits have 15 frames each, slide 13 frames).

  1. Right-click in the empty space between Split B and Clip B and choose Remove.

I realize that all this may seem like a lot of work when you look at all these steps, but really it’s not that bad.
I probably over-explain everything :nerd_face:

NOTE: Some of you may suggest that there is a faster way to do this : Just split the ends of the two clips, grab & slide to create a transition then apply the Blur: Box filter to the transition with keyframes 0 - 65 - 0. The result is similar, but not quite identical. To my eyes, it doesn’t look as smooth as the other method.


Awesome! I just added this to the transition gallery

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Really nice transition, @MusicalBox . Thanks for the tutorial, very clear steps. I’ll give it a whirl when I get a moment. :+1:

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Thank you Ben. I appreciate that.

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Thanks a lot for your kind words.
Actually I came up with this transition after watching your post: Motion Blur transitions - a demo video. While trying to figure out how you did it, I kinda deviated from my goal and ended up experimenting with a few things (most of them quite silly) and came up with this short blurry transition that looked pretty cool to me.

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