Blend settings problem with split screen

Hi there

I use a 4-way split screen at several points in my project. I have used the preset to put the 4 videos in position. But only one of them appears in playback.

I have tried changing properties - blend for each video and got one 4 way split screen segment to play but then another 4-way split screen section from earlier in my project stopped showing all 4 videos.

I’m confused as to which blend settings to use can you please help?

Many many thanks


If you’re doing a 4 way split screen meaning four videos at the same time on each corner of the screen then there is no need to change the blend mode. Do you have any other filters on these clips, tracks?

Can you post two screenshots of Shotcut open with your project? One screenshot from each of the 4 way split screen parts?

V5 (the extra track I opened to see if it would help moving a video) is on blend: none
Owen V blend: over
Matt V blend: over
Tom V blend: over
Sco V blend: no options to change as I guess it’s V1

As @DRM has stated in the other post, that you have an outdated version of Shotcut.
If you’re going to ask for help with this version, it might be easier to state the Shotcut version that you are using. You can find that by clicking on Help, then About Shotcut. Also state if you are using a 32 bit, or a 64-bit version. There has been vast improvements and changes throughout 2020 with Shotcut. You could attempt to do a Save As (name current project to a different file name), and try that with the newest version.
You can get the newest version here.

D’ailleurs cette version n’a pas le réglage de la couleur du fond. Est-ce que cela pourrait être une explication ?

By the way, this version does not have the background color setting. Could this be an explanation?

You and @DRM are right, I need to update Shotcut. I was worried if I updated it it would mess up my project as I am very nearly done.

Just checked and I have this version: 20.04.12

So you reckon if I saved a copy then updated Shotcut it wouldn’t damage the project?


Interesting, sorry I am a complete noob, but how would I investigate that?

When you do Save As, it saves the current project to a different name of your choosing.
You can always go back to the old version if you don’t like the new version.
Depending upon the filters used, changing versions mid project can cause some issues.


There is nothing wrong with continuing your project with version you have now. The person helping may need to have that same version installed.

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J’ai fait le test avec une ancienne version 19-12, il semblerait que vous deviez régler V5 blend: over

I made the test with an old version 19-12, it seems that you had to set V5 blend: over


Thank you @Namna and @Hudson555x @DRM

Problem solved I was being stupid I just needed to move track into original position. Really appreciate all the support.

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