Black Borders On Side


I have read a few posts on here about removing black bars, but to be honest, after reading so many posts, it just becomes more confusing because so many people are offering heaps of different ways to try and do this.

I have a video that I have processed. I had to remove a few millimeters from one side because the green screen didn’t go all the way. When I export it, I get two black bars on either side which weren’t there before.

The camera resolution is 1280 by 720. After I have removed the tiny slither from the right hand side, I still want it to be the same resolution, but hopefully stretching the image to those dimensions without black side bars.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



When working in Shotcut, you are always working within the confines of the Video Mode. The Video Mode is like a canvas to a painting. You can check your Video Mode settings, by clicking on Output in the Timeline, and then clicking on Properties.

If your source resolution is 1280x720, your Video Mode might be the same resolution depending upon the steps you took.

So if your Video Mode resolution is 1280x720, and your source is the same resolution of 1280x720, you would use the Size, Position & Rotate filter. Use the scroll wheel on the zoom, and you can also use the scroll wheel on the Position locations.

Export without changing anything in Export → Advanced.


I just tested that on a small file, and it worked. Thanks so much. I am doing the main file now. I was about to refilm everything.

Worth noting that I think many people would gravitate to the crop feature, because cropping means that section of a picture or video is gone forever (that’s how most programs appear to work). And whilst Shotcut does remove whatever is cropped, Shotcut then inserts black bars for what was cropped out. This may defeat the purpose of cropping, as most people would see cropping as removing something, certainly not the software inserting something later. This is just friendly feedback on how new users may expect things, and from a business perspective, that’s how you want software to be (any software). Shotcut should just stretch the rest of the image that has been cropped to suit the dimensions in video mode or export rather than inserting black bars, otherwise it may trip people over (like me). Any, that’s just friendly feedback and food for thought. Thanks again for your prompt reply.


Cropping can be doing things like this:
Original Photo

It’s my sole opinion that “Cropping” can get a lot more complicated in photo editing software than with usage with video editing.

My point is cropping is removing pixels of a selected target. The interaction of what happens is different per application it’s used. In Shotcut, they are not really black bars, rather blank spaces. There is nothing underneath when then exports as black bars.

In this example, I cropped out just the headlights, and the rest of the photo resolution is now blank. This is Gimp (Photo editing software)

1 Like

I took that same photo and cropped what I wanted to 1280x720, and added a 9px wide of yellow to the side.

Used Crop Source to get rid of the yellow stripe. Left is 9, Top & Bottom are 3.

The bottom layer is red to show that nothing is showing through. If doing a lot of cropping of video or photos, it may be best to use the bottom layer with a color to know for sure you will not have black bars.

Another tip is to make sure you are zoomed in 100% on the viewer with doing fine cropping work.

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