Black bars left and right of photo


I’m trying to make a slideshow, but when I upload a photo it has black bars to the left and right of it.
I have made slideshows before without those black bars, so what am I doing wrong now?


Before importing your photos make sure:
Settings>Video Mode >Automatic

Yes, this is the setting I have. Still black bars.


If all of your photos are the same pixel size, then as far as I can tell this is impossible.
Are the black bars still there after you export the finished product?

My photos are taken by the same camera so I Guess they all have the same pixel size …
Yes, the bars are there after I export the finished slideshow.


I just ran some tests. I can’t repeat the issue unless I make mistakes. Provided the video mode is set to Auto, the photos are all the ‘exact same dimensions/aspect ratio’ and the exported video is the same dimension as the photos, then there are no black bars.
But if your camera has a 3:2 ratio sensor (as with DSLR cameras) or 4:3 ratio sensor (as with micro 4/3 cameras) and you select a 16:9 ratio video output, then you will get black bars. I suggest you first prepare your photos to be 16:9 ratio and resized to 1920x1080 before importing them into Shotcut.

I’m sure I have made some kind of mistake. Just trying to find out which and how to correct it.

I used photos from the same camera (DSLR) earlier to make slideshows With Shotcut and it did not have those annoying sidebars. As far as I know I used the same procedure now,
I made a short “video” of 3 photos and uploaded it to youtube. I don’t know if you are able to tell what is wrong from watching it:


Looks to me like you have 3:2 ratio photos in a 16:9 ratio video container (@ 720p).
See my previous message.

OK, how is this done? I didn’t do anything with my photos before making slideshows earlier.


You could use the Size & Position filter and choose the ‘Fill’ mode.

YES. This got rid of those sidebars.
Seems like I have to choose the filter With each photo I add?
It was not what I did earlier, but it worked so I’m happy.

Thank you so much for Your help and patience!


You could add the filter to the track rather than each photo. Select the track head, add the filter there.


Sounds like a good idea - if I only could figure out how to do it.


Select the track head, add the filter there.

Thank you!
Wonderful explanation!
And I managed to get rid of those black sidebars on all the photos in one operation!


Hi again
The filter solution solved the problem With black bars left and right of my photos, but created a New problem.
A part of the bottom on the photos is chopped off.
So now the question is how to get rid of the black sidebars and keep the photos Complete.


From what you say there, it appears the photo aspect ratio is different from the aspect ratio of the video mode.
I suggest you create a custom video mode for 3:2 ratio photos (DSLR sensors are 3:2 so that means create a custom video mode @ 1920x1282) then import your photos rather than relying on Auto video mode.

EDIT: I just tested this and it works fine here.


It did not work for me, though. (Guess I did some kind of mistake)
Here is how it turned out:


Sorry, I have no idea what you are showing me there. It’s meaningless.
How did you create the custom video mode?


I have got a large, black frame all around my Slideshow (With only one photo).
I selected Settings. Then Project; Video mode. I choosed Custom and added the settings you mentioned.
(I suppose you have figured out I’m rather New to this…)
