Black background with image overlay

I started exporting only after… to see how it rendered.
But good point, though.

I can’t reproduce it on a new project. Go figure :confused:
Must I start a whole new one?!? bah…

You can upload your project, and I will see if I can find anything.

So… on this project… one image works fine and two others don’t.
On a new test project (like all others I’ve done so far), all images work as intended.
Is it a bug?

Podcast Ep009.1.0 - Igual Valor da Parentalidade Consciente.mlt (348.3 KB)

Here it is…

Thanks, Hudson555x
I’m using an older version - 20.04.12 - which simply doesn’t have that option available (unless it’s set somewhere else).

It is misleading due to a minor bug where the color dialog is unable to parse the default color value of simply “0”. Looking at the XML, every instance of <property name="background"> is equal to colour:0, which is equivalent to transparent.
I reproduced the problem and debugging. It seems related to the order in which audio and video tracks were created.

I was able to fix it by removing the 3 audio tracks and pressing undo 3 times. You can safely try that and save as a different name to keep the old project for backup. Please try that.

Thanks… I’ll try that :slight_smile:

So… I removed the two audio files and pressed undo to reposition them. Without the audio files it works fine. once they’re back… the black background is back.
…I created two new audio tracks and simply moved those two audios to the new tracks.

(How did I not think of that before?!?)

Thanks for your help!

Best regards :slight_smile:

I will look for the root cause of the bug. There was a bunch of video clips on A1 and A2 with video filters on them.
The bug occurs when there is a video on A1 but no video on V1 and the tracks were added in a certain order (video, audio, video, …). Workarounds include (assuming you want to use the audio of the video clip):

  • move the video on an upper video track to V1
  • move the video clip on A1 to A2
  • on the video clip on A1, in Properties > Video set Track to None

Here is the minimal project that reproduces it. It should show white in the top right corner with blue underneath.
bug20343.mlt (7.4 KB)

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Yes… I had to apply a few filters to improve image quality.
Thanks again :slight_smile:

This added parameter is not available on previous Shotcut versions, only the latest (V20.07).

This bug is fixed for the next version 20.09!

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I’m afraid to install new versions, considering what happened with the last two ones… LOL
But thanks and good job!

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