BETA version 25.01 now available to test

It is neat to have the files in Shotcut, but to be real useful I would add some functionality so that it is not only show-the-files:

Edit: It is about testing the Beta and not about new features - my issues mentioned earlier are working now.

Features are not added during the beta period. File management is intentionally not included and will likely never because there are in reality non-trivial aspects that you take for granted (multi-batches of multi-selection with cancel-able progress that you can undo not to mention extreme robustness to avoid damage). Just as Shotcut’s Notes panel is not a word processor neither is the Files a file manager.

Ok, fair enough - just added to my post parallel to yours, it is about testing the Beta and not about new features - my issues mentioned earlier are working now.

However, maybe you could take the marking of clips into your idea backlog. :slight_smile:

Gradient map fonctionne,
l’image est d’abord en noir et blanc, mais on peut ajouter de la couleur par cette nouvelle option.

Gradient map
The image is first in black and white, but you can add color with this new option.

The color of the square where I select a color does not update automatically. To update it, I need to select another segment and go back.

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This is fixed for the release. Thanks.


HSL Primaries and HSL Range video filters are almost unusable. They work very poorly. For example, if I select the blue color and do something with it, it only affects the pure blue. There are sharply separated blue areas in the frame without any blending with nearby colors.

Wow. Thanks for HSL primaries. That was one thing that i always missed.
Are there any plans to make HSL Primaries a GPU filter ?

There are no plans to port every filter including new unproven ones to GPU. All I can say about that is some filters will be likely converted to GPU as developers are motivated to do so. Based on the past several years that is not very productive. For my personal level of contribution that first depends on getting more basic things done (for example, the media management things in this beta) and then making it compatible with HLG HDR.

I updated the Linux Flatpak beta to enable direct support for Wayland (previously it used Xwayland). In doing so, I fixed a few know problems in Shotcut on Wayland such as drag-n-drop and color picking that will benefit all Linux builds.

I’m wondering if this is a bug or just a local problem with my computer:
Project with items in the Playlist take a lot longer to load. For example a project with, say, 20 playlist items will take about 8 to 10 seconds to open in v25.01. The same project will open almost instanstanious in v24.11.17. Doesn’t matter what version was used to create the project.
Also, dragging a group of clips from a folder to the Playlist takes longer in v25.01. Maybe about 2 times longer.

Anyone else experience this?

Also, I just noticed this in v25.01:
Select a bunch of clips in the Playlist, then click the minus (Remove) button.
Only a few clips are removed. I need to click the button a few more times to remove all the selected clips.

Essayez avec le curseur Overlap

Try with the Overlap slider

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Unusable or you simply didn’t learn how to use them yet?

In your example you seem to want to adjust the color or brightness of the sky. Skies don’t only contain primary Blue, they also contain Cyan. So you need to adjust that slider too.

Same goes with most colors. If, for example, you want to adjust the color of vegetation, using only the Green slider might not work as you intend. You’ll need to adjust the Yellows as well.

And if the HSL filter affect unwanted parts of your image/video, try using a Mask to limit the area affected by the filter. In my example below, I use the Mask: Simple Shape filter, but sometimes the area to mask is more complex. In that case, a Mask: Draw (Glaxnimate) will do the work.

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@MusicalBox I need to import you to Poland and direct you to edit and check the OpenStreetMap map.

I forgot. You would create tutorials on how to edit the map.

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That can be a new topic in the Help/How to category.
You could explain your request in details and the community could come up with tips, tricks and tutorials.

With that said, I wouldn’t mind being transported to Poland for a few days. Even at this time of the year. As a Canadian, I don’t mind (I even love) cold weather. :slight_smile:

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The export jobs’ estimated time shows up as “paused” for the first 0 and 1%, only at 2% shows (–;–;–) and at 3% and so on the estimated time.

(I am using the latest build from github, 25.01.11)

This is fixed. I did not observe a difference in project loading time with a playlist with over 4000 items. Are you starting Shotcut first or double clicking a .mlt file in Explorer.

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This is fixed now.


I’m using the portable BETA version so I’m not able to test if double-clicking a MLT file in Explorer makes a difference.
So it’s from
File > Open
File > New then selecting a project in the Projects tab

Only thing I can add is that before the project finally open, I get a brief (not responding) note in the top left corner of the Shotcut window.

Some minor changes from beta to be aware of when released:

  • In Playlist and Files, the media type buttons default all off. In both beta and release, all on or all off is the same thing: media type is not searched. But with all on, clicking one subtracts that type from display. With all off, clicking one shows only that type. Clicking another on shows that type as well. Beta: subtractive by default; release: additive by default. Most users will prefer to “show only the ___ files” and this change makes it more convenient than the less obvious turn off all the others.
  • Files > Location (no longer plural) is now both an editable text field and drop-down ala the combo. This provides feedback about the current folder being shown while the folders tree is closed to conserve space. But also, it provides a way to copy the path as well as paste one in and press enter to go to it. You know, just like any file browser, file dialog, and web browser.

P.S. Did you know that when you save a location you can give it a custom name? When the Add Location dialog appears it defaults the name to the path, but you do not need to accept it as-is or even enter a proper path. It is a custom name field, for example, “My Photo Album.”