Batch Processing

Is there any way to batch process multiple videos without individually opening each one?
At the very least, is there a way to save a preset that automatically loads MULTIPLE filters, instead of only saving a preset for each filter?

Here is something that I do that might help you:

  1. Create an empty project
  2. Set my target video mode
  3. On track 1 in the timeline, add all the filters I need and set them appropriately
    I might add a clip to fine tune the filter parameters, but then I remove the clip.
  4. Save the project (as temeplate.mlt).

Then, for each file I want to process, I open template.mlt, drop the file on the timeline and export it. The template file can be reused over and over and I don’t have to set up all the filter parameters each time.

I’ve set up the template project (I think) but I haven’t really gotten adept at using it, since I don’t really use the “Timeline,” but I will keep at it… THANKS!

Every time I re-open the template.mlt file - the filters are gone and I have to re-add them. What am I doing wrong?

I came across an odd issue when I tried to create a template.

Started a blank project. Video was set to Automatic. Added a video track. Added filters.

When I tried to Save or Save As nothing happened. Had to add a video clip to the timeline or drop a video clip into the source viewer before I could save the template.

Once the template was saved all the filters were there.

If you created the template according to @brian’s instructions the filters are there. You have to select the track for the filters to show.

Other batch-like features include:

  • multi-file open either through the File > Open dialog or by dragging and dropping multiple files from a file manager. The multiple files are added to the Playlist.
  • At the top of Export there is From field with the option Each Playlist Item which exports each playlist item as a separate file.
  • Playlist menu button > Add All to Timeline, then apply filters to the Timeline track (variation of brian’s answer)
  • Learn MLT XML, the melt command line, and make something in a batch/script file that uses melt (or qmelt, simply a Qt wrapper over melt that is more behaved when using GPU and WebVfx).