Autosave restored version behind current project

So I spent a bit of time on this project, and saved the file. Woke up the next day, and opened it. I got prompted that was an autosave for it, so I hit yes. I immediately saved (big, big mistake #1), and looked at the end of my project to continue. It turns out the autosave was well before what I finished, as in a full day’s worth behind. In frustration, I closed the project (mistake #2), only to find that there is no save history and my autosave folder is empty.

My question: is there any way to salvage this? It is my understanding that the autosave feature only kicks in when a change is detected and immediately removed once the project is saved. As such, I am confused as to how it managed to stay there despite me saving multiple times after that particular file was created when Shotcut crashed.

If it matters, then I am using version 22.01.30

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