Automating splice task. Macros? or by script?

Hello friendly Shotcut users! I’m still a basic user but have a question for turning footage into something like time lapse.

I recorded myself painting and the smart choice for sharing this process video would be to have about one second per minute of footage. I learned that my camera splits video into 30 minute chunks and I’m embarrassed to tell you how long a simple painting took me but that’s beside the point.

I’ve decided I don’t want to double-press [S] every 59 seconds for the next several days. Is there a method like with some programs where a user can program an automated task? Scripts or Macros? I’m uncertain about the terminology. If it already exists in Shotcut.

Thanks guys!

There’s no scripting but you can jump exactly 59s using a shortcut, check out Help → Actions and Shortcuts and filter for “jump”.

Probably an Autohotkey (different program, free & open source) script would help you automate it fully.

Do you mean like a time lapse?

You can increase the clip speed in the Audio/Video Properties panel. Or, apply the Speed: Forward Only Time Filter to play the clip faster.

Easy Peasy. This was it. 59 seconds programmed in and one second appears to be page up all by itself so it was just a matter of automating my fingers most of all.