Audio waveform not in timeline

I can read about it all day. How do I get it? Everything is updated to 22-1-30
I’ve tried everything.
How much do you guys want for a working copy?
All the other ‘free’ downloads are just that, free to download. If you want to do something $$$
Not being a “D” about it, but witts end here.

Click on the link. You will see a list of files to download. You probably want this one


I turned off the High Perfmormace. Thank you thank you thank you
Now how do I block “updates” so it doesn’t happen again? hahaha
Thank you ALL very very much. Saved my life here, or at least my YT life.
Thank you. - Quiet Dignity and Grace.

I am glad to hear it worked. As I explained, you can now run the newer version, and it should work. All that was removed was the menu toggle, but not the backend configuration or code. In fact, based on this report, since it was useful, I am going to restore that menu option for the next version.

Awesome. Glad I could… help?

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I have been having the same seemingly random missing audio waveforms. However, I have just tried your suggestion on “Rebuild Audio Waveform”.

Thank you
Kind regards Paul