Audio sound has bug after cut or transition

I use Windows 11 on a Laptop

Shotcut Version : 25.01.25

I explain what i’m doing :

I’m new with this software and editing in general, i want to make a piano video. So i recorded the piano in MIDI format with my PC and “change” it with good software to .wav. I recorded the video with a Sony Camera (in multiple angle) and it has a bit of sound (keyboard key sound).

So i wanted to assembly all of that with video editing. But when i edit the sound and video to match for exemple to continue with a different video angle it create a noise during this transition, (if i use a transition from Shotcut it’s even more visible, but without transition it happend too but a lot less, maybe because i did it not the best way)

It happend in the preview and in all the exported test that i did.

I have read it could be because of filter and transition… But i’m not sure and it would be great if it could be fixed.

Thanks by advance for the help.

Are you experiencing this when playing it within Shotcut, or does it also happen when you export the video?

When playing in Shotcut, everything (decoding video and audio, applying filters and transitions, resizing the result to display within the preview window) has to be done in real time, and depending on how complex this is and how powerful your computer is, that may be more than your computer can handle, resulting in stuttering. But when exporting, the export can take as long as it needs to produce an output file that doesn’t have this sort of problem.

So if the problem occurs within playback but the exported video is okay, this is just a performance problem. Try shutting down any other programs that may be running in the background; look into Shotcut’s various performance options such as parallel processing, proxy editing, and preview scaling; and use your operating system’s performance monitoring tools to identify what resources are scarce.

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It happend in all the exported test that i did. I thought it would disappear in the final product but it seems not.

The video is a exported version.

You will get the best sound if you do not make any cuts to the audio.

  1. Put the entire audio .wav file on the A1 track. Do not make any cuts to it.
  2. Put each camera angle on it’s own track (V1 & V2)
  3. Use the Timeline > Align To Reference Track tool to align the clips with the audio
  4. Mute tracks V1 & V2
  5. Make cuts to tracks V1 & V2 to change camera angles. Or, combine the clips onto one track if you want to use transitions on tracks.

Oh ok i understand.

Its my first video so my working method is really not great. And my piano skill either.

So i have like 6 different audio. And i used the same extrait 2 times, so without cutting its possible to do it ? Or if i want to change the camera angle at a certain point but its not in the same audio part, i will be able to do it ?

Why is your audio in 6 files? Can you record the song once and have it all fit in only one file? If you have to use the 6 file, put them all on the same track in the order they belong.

Because when i do a little break the midi file stopped on my software and because i did mistake i did a lot of version, some version have mistake at the beghining or at the end. So i thought i could fix it in the editing part.

For exemple i use the file 1 for the beggining but just before the mistake i cuted and put the file 2 to continue the music like “nothing happend” but this sound appear so…

I think it will be difficult to stitch your wav files together without creating artifacts. Maybe you could combine them in an audio editing tool like Audacity.

In your screenshot, I notice that you also have audio in track V1. Does the sound get better if you mute track V1?