Audio out of sync after simple transition

I am new at video editing and would appreciate some expertise, thanks in advance! the issue:
I use Linux, and shotcut seems to work very well except for this problem. I have created a video using two cameras at different angles of a guitarist playing a song. The audio file is a seperate file. I sync audio and video manually by using a loud visible clap. When I transition in the video from one camera to another using the simple transitioning method of dragging one section over another, it creates a great looking transition, but the video and audio after the transition is now out of sync, i. e. the guitarists fingers and voice to not match with the music audio. I read something about extending the audio sync by + or - a second but the audio is more than a second off, maybe two or three. Seems like there should be a way around this, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, thanks again!

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Instead of dragging the clip to make the transition, you should instead drag the left or right edge of the clip over the neighboring clip. Dragging the clip changes its position in time but you already had it synced.

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Thanks so much! I thought there must be a way to do that, I watched a tutorial that did it the other way but audio sync was not discussed and wasn’t an issue for what they were doing, this worked great, thanks again!

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