Audio cracks where it is cut

I have a big problem: when I export a video, the sound cracks in the places where it is cut. It almost sounds like a vinyl record.
It doesn’t matter whether I have inserted something into the audio track, for example, or simply made a cut. I did the latter as a test. Here, too, there is a crackling sound.
You can hear it in the file at 0:02, 0:07 and 0:08.
0:02 is a fade in
between 0:07 and 0:08 a short part is inserted.
I have tried rendering with different audio formats (aac, ac3, flac, vorbis) with CBR and VBR in different resolutions. The crackling remains.
What could be the reason for this? What can I do about it?

The filters mentioned here may help, Track Auto Fade Audio and Track Seam

But the clicking doesn’t only occur when I use a fade in or out filter, but also when I cut in the track.
In my case, I inserted a short piece into the audio track to conceal a small mistake by the flutist. However, I dragged the inserted clip slightly over the original audio track at the front and back so that there is a crossfade.
But at the other point, I only made a cut in the audio track (Ctrl+S) and didn’t change anything else. But this also results in a clicking sound.

Even when I use no filter at all but only have the audio track as an project, the audio clicks at the beginning.
I moved it two seconds forward, but eben then the audio click when it starts.
That’s extremely annoying.

Only DC free and silent sections can be safely cut without a clicking noise.
If you want to cut a non silent section without a clicking noise you have to find the zero crossings of the audio sequence(s).

That means, when I want / have to cut a non silent section and it’s not possible to do it at the zero crossings, I have to cut it with a separate program.
Does the clipping only appear on separate audio tracks or also on audio tracks recorded with the video?

Why not use the first reply’s suggestion to use the Track Seam Audio filter? This is exactly what it was made for it as stated in the linked documentation.

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As I am not a native English speaker, I completely misunderstood this answer: I thought this filter was causing the problem in the first place.
How stupid of me.
Thanks for pointing that out to me again. I will try it out for this.
There was a second filter mentioned below. What is it for? What are the differences? Even with the translation program, I didn’t understand it properly.
Is the seam filter against clipping caused by combined audio tracks and the other against clipping caused by fade in/out?

The seam filter does smoothing samples at cuts, but auto fade slowly reduces volume before the cut and raises it back to normal after. We initially added both to address the same problem because we were a little unsure about about the seam approach and which people would prefer. We now recommend to use the seam filter for correction like your case, and to use the auto fade to automate fade in and fade out on each clip.


Thank you for explaining it.
This sounds very good and I will try it soon.
I have already received so much help and learned so much in the forum. It’s really great! Thank you so much.

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The problem could related to your source clips. Please select one of your clips and take a screenshot of the properties panel in Shotcut. Share the screenshot here. From that, we can infer if your clip is variable frame rate.

Also, if you are willing to do a test, click on the “Convert…” button in the properties panel. Wait for the conversion to complete. Then, make some cuts and export to see if the problem occurs with converted clips.

Do you mean the audio or video files to check if they are variable frame rate an d to convert?

Yes. Please share a screen shot of the properties panel in Shotcut for one of our video files.

I was using an older version (22.07) and have now updated to the latest version. Even without the seam filter activated, there is no more clipping in the audio track during cuts. :+1:

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