Arduino GPX to SHOTCUT ( temperature not readable )

I have made a simple arduino gps tracker that logs data and creates a .gpx file. The file is fine and works with all viewers and shotcut also recognizes its lat,long from which it calculates other parameters with success.
But, other tags such as temperature are not recognized. This is an example record of the GPX file.

  <trkpt lat="39.939079" lon="20.622922"> // Recognized by SHOTCUT
  <time>2024-03-17T05:00:30Z</time> // Recognized by SHOTCUT
  <ele>536.10</ele> // Recognized by SHOTCUT
  <gps_hr>65</gps_hr> // NOT Recognized by SHOTCUT
  <gps_temperature>21</gps_temperature> // NOT Recognized by SHOTCUT

The TAG values are copy - paste from SHOTCUT shortcode. Any suggestions ?

It would be very helpful if someone can add a sample GPX record with non standard values supported by SHOTCUT and how they can be used
Thank you for your time

This is the format currently supported (snippet taken from the source code file: gps_parser.cpp).

These are not explicitly documented as they follow the .gpx standard and the garmin’s extension (which is by far the most used extension). The particular supported fields were chosen by popularity and usefullness (some also by requests).

// sample point from .GPX file (version 1.0) + TrackPointExtension
<trkpt lat="45.227621666484104" lon="25.16533185322889">
        <gpxtpx:TrackPointExtension>          //official garmin extension
            <gpxtpx:hr>132</gpxtpx:hr>            //heart rate in beats per minute
            <gpxtpx:cad>75</gpxtpx:cad>           //cadence in revolutions per minute
            <gpxtpx:atemp>27.5</gpxtpx:atemp>     //ambient temperature in degrees celsius

Thank you,
I was able to read temperature using gpxtpx:atemp27.5</gpxtpx:atemp> and GARMIN extension system. My initial file was not declared as like that and i was not aware of the extension system.
I think it’s possible to pass a few other custom values using existing tags like HR and CADENCE.
GPX reading and visualizing is a nice feature, that i found to be well presented and handled with SHOTCUT add on. Hope that the team supports this add on in the future.

What i did was to get a gps reading and a temperature reading while driving and recording video like a dash cam. Even my camera has a feature of adding telemetry data, ambient temperature was not included ( in reality needs a separate sensor away from the camera ) and the way described here was the solution for displaying temperature in video related with exact gps location. Humidity or air quality could also logged.

Thanks for your time, Thomas.

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